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The Massary cigarette factory was located in Berlin. Some issues do not mention the name Massary, giving only the brand name "Caid". Some of the flag sets don't seem to have been completely issued if at all, and with the ones that were issued there is some confusion as to exactly how many different cards there are.

Name Year of issue No. in set Size (mm)
Bunte Filmbilder I
(Colour Movie Pictures I)
1936 250 ?
Bunte Filmbilder II
(Colour Movie Pictures II)
1937 250 ?
Deutsche Heer im Manöver, Das
(The german army on manoeuvres)
1936 250 ?
Deutsche (unsere?) Reichsmarine, Die
(The German navy)
1934 270  
Fahnen die Geschichte machten
(Flags that made history)
Filmbilder, Album 1 (Caid)
(Movie pictures, album 1)
1934 360  
Flaggen die über Meere Völker verbinden.
(Flags which join people across the seas)
1930 504  
Lustige Bilder
(Jolly pictures)
1936 186 ?

Stolz weht die Fahne, "das Banner der Arbeit"
(Proudly waves the flag, the banner of work.)

Wer kennt die Länder und ihre Fahnen?
(Who knows the countries and their flags?)
Wer nennt die Länder, kennt die Fahnen?
(Who can name the countries and knows the flags?)

Wer nennt die Länder, kennt die Fahnen?,
Nachtrag (Serie 79-113)

(Who can name the countries and knows the flags?, addendum (series 79-113))


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