Collector Sammel's online German Cards


Der künstlerische Tanz

The artistic dance

Eckstein-Halpaus   Haus Neuerburg

Issued by: Eckstein-Halpaus, Haus Neuerburg
Date of issue: 1933
No. in set: 312 (EH), 240 (HN)
Errors and variations:

There are several different versions of this set. Eckstein-Halpaus issued the set in two different versions. What was presumably the first is a set of photographic cards. The second more common version is printed half-tone pictures with a shellac coat. The cards of the second version are slightly wider. Haus Neuerburg issued a 240-card printed half-tone version of the set.

Version 1
Photographic cards
Version 2
Printed cards

Printed cards
44mm x 62mm


I have not noticed any variations in the Neuerburg set. However it appears that many of the cards in the Eckstein set were changed. The most obvious changes are to the backgrounds which generally exist in "light" and "dark" versions. However many of the details were also changed. I have found up to four different versions of some cards. Some typical changes are shown below. One day I will produce a list of the cards in the set and provide illustrations of all the variations.

Most obvious
difference is
shading on
arms and legs.
Detail from 53.
Other details are
also different.

Heim | Back

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