Collector Sammel's online German Cards


Auf deutscher Scholle

On German soil


Issued by: Austria, Haus Bergmann, Brinkmann, British-American Tobacco, Bulgaria, Constantin, Eckstein-Halpaus, Garbáty, Greiling, Jasmatzi, Josetti, Kyriazi, Lande, Polo, Salem, Waldorf-Astoria, Yosma
No. in set: 270
Date of issue: 1935 (Köberich)
Size: 47 x 62 mm

The story starts in 1500 with the Danes attacking Dithmarsch. They are surprised by 300 farmers led by Wulf Isebrand who attack them with cannon. The Danes try to flee but the farmers have opened the dykes, flooding the countryside cutting off the retreat. The Danes are defeated.

From these early days of glory, the album follows the life of the farming people from North and South, from East and West, in Summer and Winter, in youth and in old age. The album finishes with another glorious day in the life of the farming folk. It is harvest festival, and farmers from all over gather in Bückeberge where they are greeted by the Führer.

Altogether, this album provides a fascinating look at the lives of ordinary farming folk.

The album cover

Austria Haus Bergmann
Brinkmann BAT
Bulgaria Constantin
Eckstein-Halpaus Garbáty
Greiling Jasmatzi
Josetti Kyriazi
Lande   Polo
Salem, 1/3 low
Salem, 1/3 high
Waldorf-Astoria Yosma

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