Collector Sammel's online German Cards



The Zuban cigarette company was located in Munich. At some point it was taken over by Waldorf-Astoria.

List of issues
Name Album title (if different) Year of issue No. in set Size (mm)
(Pictures of vehicles)
Vom Segelwagen zum Achtzylinder
(From sail car to eight cylinder)
1931 150 ?
Bunte Filmbilder I
(Coloured film pictures, album 1)
  1936 250 ?
Bunte Filmbilder II
(Coloured film pictures, album 2)
  1937 250 ?
Bunte Rock, Der
(The coloured coat)
  1934 252 ?
Deutsche Heer im Manöver, Das ¹
(The german army on manoeuvres)
  1936 250 ?
Deutsche Volkstrachten
(German national costumes)
  1933 198 ?
Lucy Doraine   ? 50 ?
Orden ²
(Medals and Decorations)
  1933? 287 44x62
Superia Quartett   ? 48 ?
Völker Europas, Die
(The people of Europe)
  1934 300 ?
Völkerschau in Bildern, Die ³
(Pictorial look at people)
  1932 258 ?
Zuban Wappenschau
(Zuban coats of arms)
  1928 240? ?
Zuban - Torwart
(Zuban - goalkeeper)
  ? 150 ?

¹Köberich (1997) doesn't list a Zuban version of this set.

²Köberich (1997) doesn't list a Zuban version of this set. Come to that, neither does anyone else.

³Köberich doesn't list a Zuban version of this set. I have seen a Zuban album for it, but when I looked at the cards, they were all Eckstein Halpaus, so the existence of this set is still not completely certain.

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