Collector Sammel's online German Cards



Stollwerck is a chocolate manufacturer in Cologne. It was the first known German company to issue collectable pictures with its products. The first were issued as early as 1840. In 1860 Stollwerck produced the first "Bilder- und Photographie Schokoladen" (Picture and photograph chocolate). Pictures were printed on the wrappers and included such themes as portraits, buildings and landscapes. During the war of 1870/71, a series called Deutsche Heerführer (German army leaders) was produced. Following this, series depicting animals, flowers, portraits of ladies and butterflies appeared. In 1879, a large album of Zoologie with 48 series was issued followed by series such as national costumes, the Kaiser, German princes and ministers, and further portraits of ladies. However very few of these early pictures survive.

Starting in 1897, the well-known Stollwerck albums with text were produced and the turnover in cocoa and chocolate products doubled as a result. Stollwerck continued to issue cards until the first world war. No further cards were issued until the 1930s. Then a few more series appeared before they stopped again due to world war two. Since then few cards have appeared, although Stollwerck still issues individual series now and again.

Name Year of issue No. in set Size (mm)
Alice im Wunderland
(Alice in Wonderland)
1986 6 ?
Aus dem Tierreich, Sammelwerk Nr. 2
(The animal kingdom)
1932 180 ?
Aus Österreichs Ehrentagen
Austria's days of glory)
1936 176 ?
Der deutsche Rhein, Sammelwerk Nr. 1
(The German rhine)
1931 180 ?
Die Himmelfahrt des Zwerg Nase
(The flight of "Nose" the dwarf )
? 24 ?
Geographie Europas, Band 1
(The geography of Europe, volume 1)
1962 100 ?
Goldene Buch von Fußballsport, Das
(The golden book of football)
1978 204 ?
Große Männer aus großer Zeit
(Great men from a great time)
1915 100 250x350
Großformatbilder Gruppe 1, "Kaiser und Kaiserin"
(Large format pictures group 1, Emperor and Empress)
? 5 480x680
Großformatbilder Gruppe 2, "Vaterlandsbilder"
(Large format pictures group 2, Fatherland pictures)
? 4 480x680
Großformatbilder Gruppe 3 ? 9 480x650
Großformatbilder Gruppe 4 ? 2 480x680
Großformatbilder Gruppe 5 ? 3 500x700
Carnival pictures
1939 ? ?
Märchenland zum Ausschneiden und Aufbauen
(Fairy tale land to cut out and make.)
1959 25 ?
Mit Carl Hagenbeck auf Tierfang mit der Ufa in der Wildnis
(With Carl Hagenbeck hunting animals with Ufa¹ in the wildernis)
1931 320 ?
Nostalgie Postkarten
(Nostalgia postcards)
1993 12 ?
Reise um die Welt I
(Journey around the world, 1)
1934 176 ?
Reise um die Welt II
(Journey around the world, 2)
1936 204 ?
Stollwerck Album 1 1897 192 48x93
Stollwerck Album 2 1898 288 48x93
Stollwerck Album 3 1899 360 48x93
Stollwerck Album 4 1900 360 48x93
Stollwerck Album 5 1902 360 48x93
Stollwerck Album 6, Stollwercks Tierreich
(Stollwerck's animal kingdom)
1903/4 216 48x93
Stollwerck Album 7, Aus Deutschlands Gauen
(Regions of Germany)
1904 216 48x93
Stollwerck Album 8 1905 216 48x93
Stollwerck Album 9, Es war einmal, Maerchen
(Once upon a time, fairy tales)
1906 216 48x93
Stollwerck Album 10, Helden des Geistes und vom Schwert
(Heroes of mind and sword)
1908 288 48x93
Stollwerck Album 11, Das Tier im Dienste des Menschen
(Animals in mans service)
1910 144 48x93
Stollwerck Album 12, Humor in Wort und Bild I
(Humour in words and pictures 1)
1911 144 48x93
Stollwerck Album 13, Humor im Wort und Bild II
(Humour in words and pictures, 2)
1912 144 48x93
Stollwerck Album 14, Aus grosser Zeit
(A glorious time)
1913 144 48x93
Stollwerck Album 15, Jungdeutschland
(Young Germany)
1915 144 48x93
Stollwerck Album 16, Der grosse Krieg
(The great war)
1916 144 48x93
Stollwerck Album 17, Deutsche Herrführer
(German Military leaders)
1916 114 48x93

¹ Universum Film AG

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