The Eckstein-Halpaus cigarette company was located in Dresden.
Name | Year of issue | No. in set | Size (mm) |
deutscher Scholle (On German soil) |
1935 | 270 | ? |
Heer im Manöver, Das (The German army on manoeuvres) |
1936 | 250 | ? |
Kolonien (German colonies) |
1936 | 270 | ? |
Wehrmacht, Die (German armed forces (after 1935)) |
1936 | 270 | ? |
Eckstein Reisebilder (Eckstein travel pictures) |
1926 | 324 | Large and small pictures |
Großen der Weltgeschichte, Die (Leading people from world history) |
1934 | 252 | 52x62 |
Künstlerische Tanz, Der (The artistic dance) |
1933 | 312 | Photographic 47x62 Printed 52x62 |
Mit Carl Hagenbeck auf Tierfang - mit der Ufa in der Wildnis
(Hunting animals with Carl Hagenbeck - with Ufa in the wilderness) |
1928 | 320 | ? |
Mit Eckstein durch die Welt (With Eckstein around the world) |
1928 | 228 | Small colour pictures |
Mit Eckstein durch die Welt 1, Inland (With Eckstein throughout the world 1, Inland) |
1928 | 228 | Large pictures |
Mit Eckstein durch die Welt 2, Ausland (With Eckstein throughout the world 2, Abroad) |
1929 | 198 | ? |
Mit Eckstein durch die Welt 3 (With Eckstein throughout the world 3) |
1930 | 144 | ? |
Nachkriegszeit 1918-1934,
Die (The post war period 1918-1934) |
1935 | 252 | 52x62 |
Reichsheer und
seine Tradition, Das (The reich's army and itstradition) |
1933 | 328 | ? |
Reichswehr, Die (German armed forces (until 1935)) |
1933 | 280 | ? |
Ruhmesblätter deutsche Geschichte
(Pages from the annals of German history) |
1934 | 252 | 52x62 |
Tanzbühnen der Welt, Die (Dancefloors of the world) |
1933 | 252 | ? |
Völkerschau in Bildern, Die (Native peoples in pictures) |
1932 | 258 | ? |
Welt in Bildern, Die, Album 5 "Aus Deutschland's Vogelwelt" (The world in pictures, album 5, "Germany's birdworld") |
1930 | 180 | ? |
Welt in Bildern, Die, Album 6 "Flaggen Europas" (The world in pictures, album 6 "European flags") |
1931 | 200 | ? |
Welt in Bildern, Die, Album 7 "Flaggen der Welt" (The world in pictures, album 7 "Flags of the world") |
1932 | 200 | ? |
Welt in Bildern, Die, Album 8 "Historische Fahnen" (The world in pictures, album 8 "Historical flags") |
1930 | 180 | ? |
Der (The world war) |
1937 | 270 | ? |
Wunder aus Technik und Natur (Wonders of technology and nature) |
1932 | 288 | ? |